Importance Of Detail Application Form (DAF) | UPSC CSE Preparation | Edukemy

Описание к видео Importance Of Detail Application Form (DAF) | UPSC CSE Preparation | Edukemy

UPSC CSE is considered one of the toughest exams in the country. The exam is conducted in three stages - Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The Prelims is objective while mains is subjective. Although there are numerous sources to help you prepare for the exam, students often search the internet for value addition to their answers in UPSC CSE Mains.

Rahul Nagre (Faculty, Edukemy) in this video outlines the importance of Detail Application Form (DAF) for UPSC CSE Exam preparation. DAF is one of the most important components of UPSC CSE preparation process and this video primarily sheds light on it.

Best Wishes for Exam!
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