Deposit Slip Form

Описание к видео Deposit Slip Form

A guide on how to fill out a Deposit Slip Form.

1. Go to . You can also find this form on the student activities website.
2. Click "Deposit Slip Form" to download the file.
3. Fill in your department or club, your name, and your GU MSC box.
4. Fill in your ext. or phone number and a description of the deposit.
5. Fill in your club/department's fund number, organization letter and account number.
6. Fill in the amounts and total amounts for the deposits.
7. Fill in the cash total and check total. Then add them up and print the Grand Total.
8. Attach the cash and checks to the form.
9. Then walk the form over to Accounts Payable, in the Controller's Office, and turn it in.


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