Hall of the Guardian - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

Описание к видео Hall of the Guardian - Music & Ambience - World of Warcraft

Mages of the arcane are diviners of secrets, balancing the ebb and flow of incredible mystic energies. Unparalleled skill is required to manipulate the volatile forces of the universe. These practitioners push their magical knowledge to its very limits - often to the brink of their own exhaustion, and at great risk to the world around them. Those who master this craft are capable of releasing a barrage of unrelenting power upon their enemies, drawing upon replenishing energies to maintain their assault for as long as the battle demands.

While any worthy mage is an unparalleled expert in the use of magic and heavily dedicated to their craft, those who master the forces of fire tend to be a little more audacious than their peers. If a threat stands before them, the answer is always to neutralize it in a glorious blaze. A lifetime dedicated to the study of fiery forces only fuels their pyromania, and these mages take pride - even pleasure - in igniting their enemies in wild bursts of flame. Mistake their affinity for watching things burn as a lack of self-control at your own peril.

Frost mages stand apart from their colleagues, in that their chosen school of magic focuses on maintaining supreme control over the capabilities of their enemies. Mages who command frost perform chilling displays on the battlefield, rendering foes immobile as they bombard them with ice. Often, the blade never reaches the caster before the bitter cold takes hold. The frost mage exudes frigid power as icicles form around them, foreshadowing the wintry demise of those who stand opposed on the field of battle.

Text above is taken from the official Legion class preview articles.

0:00 - Dalaran Halls 1H
2:19 - Dalaran Jaina A
4:03 - Dalaran Halls 2H
5:56 - Dalaran Halls 1A

8:12 - Dalaran Khadgar Night B
9:32 - Dalaran Jaina H
10:40 - Dalaran Halls 1B
12:49 - Dalaran Halls 2B
14:42 - Dalaran Halls 1C

16:55 - Dalaran Halls 2A
18:47 - Dalaran Jaina B
20:45 - Dalaran Halls 1A
23:01 - Dalaran Halls 2H
24:54 - Dalaran Jaina A

26:39 - Dalaran Khadgar Night B
27:58 - Dalaran Halls 1H
30:18 - Dalaran Halls 2B
32:11 - Dalaran Jaina H
33:18 - Dalaran Halls 1B

35:27 - Dalaran Halls 2A
37:20 - Dalaran Halls 1C
39:33 - Dalaran Jaina B
41:31 - Dalaran Halls 2H
43:24 - Dalaran Halls 1A

45:40 - Dalaran Jaina A
47:25 - Dalaran Khadgar Night B
48:45 - Dalaran Halls 1B
50:54 - Dalaran Jaina H

52:03 - Dalaran Halls 2B
53:56 - Dalaran Halls 1C
56:10 - Dalaran Halls 2A
58:03 - Dalaran Jaina B

Dalaran Khadgar and Dalaran Halls 2 composed by Neal Acree.

Dalaran Jaina and Dalaran Halls 1 composed by Neal Acree and Russell Brower.

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