ChatterBox Mesh Delivery Demo - Off-Grid LoRa based Secure Messaging System

Описание к видео ChatterBox Mesh Delivery Demo - Off-Grid LoRa based Secure Messaging System

This is a demonstration of mesh delivery, instant delivery, and broadcast messaging using the ChatterBox prototypes. Mesh capability of the Chatters protocol allows messages to be delivered over large distances, and even to devices that are not powered on when a message is sent to them. This is a quick demo of the current state of those capabilities.

ChatterBox is an experimental DIY-type device, which is designed to allow secure off-grid text-based and binary communication. I am currently building the system.

Other than the 3d-printed cases, these devices can be completely built using fairly inexpensive components from Amazon, Adafruit, and/or Arduino. My intent is for people to be able to build these for themselves with some basic soldering skills. Alternatively, I may do a large production of the final devices using a kickstarter or partnering with a manufaturer, I have not yet decided.

There is no operating system, this is my code running directly on the device hardware, so these should be immune to any sort of internet/power/telecom outages, cyberattacks, kill switches, etc. No 3rd party can peek at your messages either.

The latest build process and documentation is available at:


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