MSL AGL QFE QNH | Altitudes For Aviators | Aviation Explained

Описание к видео MSL AGL QFE QNH | Altitudes For Aviators | Aviation Explained

While on my journey to learn the mysteries of aviation I came across a lot of explanations for the different altitudes used by pilots. But none of them really cleared it up for me. It took a lot of research on my part to finally get it. There are others out there on the same journey and I thought I would help them out by sharing what I've learned.

00:25 True Altitude (MSL)
00:48 Absolute Altitude (AGL)
01:58 International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
02:26 Pressure Altitude
03:16 Density Altitude
04:08 QNH
04:30 QFE
05:12 Flight Level

End credits music by zakharvalaha from Pixabay: (


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