Why cfapps7865's Sphinx as Anubis theory is all wrong

Описание к видео Why cfapps7865's Sphinx as Anubis theory is all wrong

The user #cfapps7865 is passing off this theory that the Great Sphinx at Giza was originally a giant statue of Anubis. Unfortunately, the evidence that he asserts to be 100% irrefutable, is based on bad research and faulty logic. His nearly 80,000 subscribers need to see the flaws in his methodology, and hopefully this will help show people why he's wrong.
**Edit: Turns out he already blocked me from his channel. I'm guessing he didn't like someone pointing out his mistakes, which makes me think he cares more about clicks than actually providing the unbias view of history he professes to hold. I'll need my own meager number of followers to like and share this video to help spread the word.**
#Sphinx #Egypt #anubis #psuedoscience

cfapps's videos I'm referencing: Anubis, Gates of Heaven, and the Pyramids:    • Anubis, The Gates Of Heaven & The Pyr...   ; Sphinx, Paws, and Anubis Confirmed as Giza's Original Shrine:    • Sphinx, Paws & Anubis Confirmed As Gi...   ; Sphinx Temple Original Name:    • The "Sphinx" Temple Original Name (!!...  

Relevant links for my own video:
Why there's no real evidence the head has been recarved:    • Debunking 5 Myths the Internet Told Y...  
Problem with Hancock's lion-head theory:    • Debunking 5 Myths the Internet Told Y...  

Translation of Ankhet Ritual Door: http://www.globalegyptianmuseum.org/d...
Source on Offering formula: https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/offe...

Sphinxes from video: https://www.britishmuseum.org/researc... ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bronze_... ; https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collect... ; http://www.museumsyndicate.com/item.p...

Anubis statues: https://www.tripadvisor.com/LocationP... ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anubis_... ; https://egyptmanchester.wordpress.com... ; https://ncartmuseum.org/art/detail/an...

Qasr el Nil Bridge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qasr_El...

Some sources on Sacred Lakes: https://www.penn.museum/blog/research... ; http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/temples...

Mountain of Anubis:    • Josef Wegner | The Pharaohs of Anubis...   ; https://www.penn.museum/documents/pub...


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