Borders of salt (Dan ar Braz)

Описание к видео Borders of salt (Dan ar Braz)

Troisième extrait du concert de St-Marceau (17 décembre 2023)
Le bagad de la Kevrenn Centre Val de Loire avec :
Chant : Cécilia du groupe Quintessence
Guitares : François-Xavier (groupe Bocéliande) et Bernard (Kevrenn Orléans)

Prise de son : Clément Chanclu
Mixage : Bernard Frugier
Captation vidéo : Denis Boudin et Bernard Piecoup
Montage vidéo : Bernard Frugier
Régie lumière : Alain Tissier et Patrice Belouet

Borders of salt, borders of sand
Land of the seas, green land of mine
Borders of salt, borders of sand
Riddled with dreams, green land of ours
Days of misfortune and days of doubt
Are gone, gone with the tide
And days of hope, to settle down
Will come, wash out the blue
It's all, it's all up to you
Borders of salt, borders of sand
Land of beliefs, in crosses and stones
Borders of salt, borders of sand
Of endless prayer thrown through the skies
For better days and better hours
We've got to lay ahead
There for our sons, there for the land
There for, for one and every man
It's all, it's all up to you


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