Lotus stem is famous in India with several names, Kamal Kakadi, Bhaseenda, Bhein, Murar, & Nadru etc. As it name says it is the stem and root of a lotus that grows in the water. Lotus stem is a great source of Vitamin C, which helps boost the immunity of a person and fight viral infections. The root also contains essential minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, and iron, which help the body in the production of red blood cells. Lotus root is known for strengthening the respiratory system of the human body, which ultimately helps a person fight a number of diseases. They are rich in dietary fiber and low on saturated fats, hence keeping a person’s calorie count in check.
In this video, I am going to cook a spicy masala dish with Lotus stem.
Please stay tuned @ChefAshishKumar
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250 grams of Lotus stems, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of turmeric, 150 grams of onion, half piece of a medium-sized tomato, 3 tablespoons of mustard oil, 1 piece of cinnamon, 8-10 peppercorns, 4-5 cloves, 1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds, 2-3 whole red chilies, 1/2 tablespoon of ginger garlic paste, 1 teaspoon of coriander powder, salt as per taste, 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, 1 teaspoon of Kashmiri chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon of Garam Masala, 2 Ladles of lotus stem stock, a few chopped coriander leaves.
250 ग्राम कमल के डंठल, 1 चम्मच नमक, 1 चम्मच हल्दी, 150 ग्राम प्याज, मध्यम आकार के टमाटर का आधा टुकड़ा, 3 बड़े चम्मच सरसों का तेल, 1 टुकड़ा दालचीनी, 8-10 काली मिर्च, 4-5 लौंग , 1/4 चम्मच जीरा, 2-3 साबुत लाल मिर्च, 1/2 चम्मच अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट, 1 चम्मच धनिया पाउडर, स्वादानुसार नमक, 1 चम्मच जीरा पाउडर, 1 चम्मच कश्मीरी मिर्च पाउडर, 1 /2 छोटा चम्मच गरम मसाला, 2 कलछी लोटस स्टेम स्टॉक, कुछ कटा हरा धनिया।
Gear used in this video-
Gaming Laptop for editing
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The back ground music is Accoustic Tanpura by Sankalp
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