LIVE Jummah prayer from Birmingham Central Mosque

Описание к видео LIVE Jummah prayer from Birmingham Central Mosque

*‎بِسْــــــــمِ اللّــہ الرَّحْمـــــــنِ الرَّحِيـــــــم *

🛑Originally built in 1969; opened in early 70s.
🛑Serving the Muslim population of Birmingham (over 200,000) is looking for 100,000 donors to pledge £30.00 to achieve our target of raising £3m in order to complete our much-needed extension and refurbishment programme.
Once complete, will include a variety of services. Our parents sacrificed hard and left us a unique gift; we must now reciprocate this and think of this as a legacy for the founders, our children and also a sadaqah jaariyah for our parents/family. You can donate direct into our masjid account or link below;

BANK: Al Rayan
Sort Code: 30-00-83
Account: 01264201
Account Name: Birmingham Mosque Trust Ltd.
Contact: 0121 440 5355
Email: [email protected]


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