[4K] 広島・世羅高原農場の美しいダリア Beautiful Dahlia of Sera Highland Farm Japan Flower garden

Описание к видео [4K] 広島・世羅高原農場の美しいダリア Beautiful Dahlia of Sera Highland Farm Japan Flower garden

撮影:october 2016 広島県北部に位置する世羅町にあるのが観光農園が「世羅高原農場」です。秋には標高500mの涼しい気候を生かし、西日本最大400種2万5000株のダリアを栽培し、鮮やかな花を次々と咲かせます。ダリアの特徴は、色や咲き方が豊富なことです。花びらが夏から秋にかけて30cmを超えるものや 花びらの形も様々です。多種多様の美しい花びらは見る人を魅了し、様々な色合いの花が高原を鮮やかに彩っています。

“Beautiful Dahlia of Sera Highland Farm”

Sera Highland Farm is a tourist farm situated in the north of Hiroshima prefecture. With its cool weather at 500m of altitude, 400 kinds, 25 thousands of Dahlia, which is the largest in western Japan, blossoms in autumn with vivid flowers.
The characteristics of Dahlia is that there are various color and flower shape. There are Dahlia whose petal is larger than 30cm and petals are in various forms. Beautiful, various petal attracts people and animates the highland with its various colors.


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