The 1 Secret Your Ex Doesn't Want You To Know

Описание к видео The 1 Secret Your Ex Doesn't Want You To Know

Why Do Men Lose Interest, What Makes Him Stay In Love, And How Do You Dramatically Improve Your Love Life... Forever...?

No matter who broke up or how the breakup was and who got hurt at the end of the relationship, the truth is, breaking up hurts both of the partners. Both lose something they had, and both miss those moments every single day without even realizing it at first. However, the pain from the breakup manifests differently in everyone. It means that while one person will close down and feel sad, the other one might do certain things on purpose just to hurt their ex even more or to get back at them without realizing that in the process they are hurting too.

This all brings us to the #1 secret that ex-partners most commonly hide because they are hurt, and they want to hurt you too. It’s up to you to recognize this behavior and not react to it, so you don’t give your ex any sign that you are sad and desperate over them too.

You see, your ex will never admit that they were wrong when they broke up with you. Or if you broke up with them, they will never admit that they gave you the reason. They simply cannot admit that they did something wrong and deserved the ending of the relationship. This is unfortunately very true for most relationships and it is how they end even if those relationships were good and solid but simply the partners needed to work on themselves a little more. And I say unfortunately because many relationships end like this for no reason even though they were good quality.

The pride and the ego will not allow your ex to admit to being wrong. This is because that would mean that your ex will have to come to you and say they were wrong. Not every person is capable of showing that type of vulnerability. It is often hard for people to show they are vulnerable in the relationship with their current partner who loves and understands them. So, you can imagine how hard it is for a person to be vulnerable and show that they are hurting in front of the person that they had just broken up with. This is quite challenging and their ego simply won’t admit it as easily.


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