Maula Ali (as) Ka Maqam o Martaba Kya Hai? | Younus AlGohar | The Imam's Voice | Mola Ali a.s

Описание к видео Maula Ali (as) Ka Maqam o Martaba Kya Hai? | Younus AlGohar | The Imam's Voice | Mola Ali a.s

A viewer of Sufi Online with Sufi Younus AlGohar asked, ’Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the Leader of Prophets. He declared that for whoever he is Moula, Ali is also their Moula. Does that mean Moula Ali is the Leader of Prophets too?’


One’s rank and status does not necessarily indicate one’s true eminence. Sainthood and prophethood are ranks. Faqr (Spiritual Poverty) and Ishq (Rapturous Love) are the names for one’s connection with God. Many prophets, despite being greater in rank, have a lesser connection with God than some of the saints from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s Nation.

There was a Divine Lover in the era of Moses. He had a closer connection with God than Moses even though Moses, being a prophet, was greater than him in rank.

As Muslims, you believe in all the Grand Messengers. However, you fail to respect Moula Ali - the one appointed by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as his helper and as a saint. Moula Ali’s connection with God and amount of Faqr is so unique that it is unparalleled by any of 124,000 prophets.

If you have Ishq, then you don’t need a prophet nor a saint. Per a Prophetic Tradition, ‘One who becomes perfect in Faqr has the presence of God.’

In rank, the prophets are greater than Moula Ali. However, in Ishq, Moula Ali is greater than the prophets.

The Imam's Voice

#maulaali #ali #hazratali


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