Описание к видео RICORDI METROPOLITANI.1st part.mpeg


Betacam SP, b/w - colour, Italy, August 2002

An Original Project by Andrea Bossoni

A Short Film written by Andrea Bossoni
with the collaboration of Sabrina Corabi

Written, Directed and Produced by Andrea Bossoni

Award for the Audio-visual Activity in Behalf of Deaf People at the 24th International Independent Film Festival of Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2002

2nd Award for the "Best Short Film" at the First Edition of the National Deaf Motion Pictures & Video Film Festival of Milan, Italy, February 2005


It's night, when, in a quarter of the boundary of Milan, a small group of graffiti sketchers decorate a wall of drawings with their spray bombs.

Suddenly two police agents in uniform arrive to stop their work: a girl with her boyfriend tries to warn the other two boys, but they don't hear the police coming.

While the first two run away, they keep on decorating their wall. One of the two police agents puts his hand on Lisa's shoulder. Alex and Lisa are led at once to a police office where they try to explain the facts before two police officers not accommodating at all...

This is the story of Alex and Lisa, two deaf graffiti sketchers.

In reality Alex and Lisa are two deaf actors of a theatrical company (of which Alex is also the director) in search of some hearing actors to put on stage a play for a mixed up public made of deaf and hearing people.
Alex's theatrical direction is shot by an small troupe of independents and...

"Ricordi Metropolitani" ("City Life Memories") written, directed and produced by an Italian hearing director, tells about the continuous game between reality and fiction, the true and the verisimilitude of those who, through the arts, research and sometimes reach that sort of perfection that doesn't exist in everyday life.

With the irony that appears through the intimates moments in the backstage, we lay emphasis upon the difficulties of communication among deaf and hearing people, but even among citizens and institutions.

A metaphor that seizes, in some moments, the real essence of a difficult but possible integration, in the respect of all kind of differences.


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