Pollination in Flowering Plants 3d Animation

Описание к видео Pollination in Flowering Plants 3d Animation

Have you ever wondered why bees are attracted to flowers?
Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma.
Seeds can only be produced when pollen is transferred between flowers of the same species.
Types of Pollination
All plants having flowers completely rely on pollination method for reproduction. There are 2 types of pollination –

Self Pollination

Self Pollination
It is referred to as the primary type of pollination as it includes a single flower. Self-pollination occurs when pollen grains fall directly from anther into the stigma of the flower. This process is quite simple and fast, which leads to a reduction in genetic diversity as the sperm and egg cells of the flower share some genetic information.
Cross- pollination that allows the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of the flower into the stigma of another flower. This method leads to an increase in genetic diversity as different flowers will share and combine their genetic information to create unique offspring.
Types of Cross-Pollination
Pollination by Wind- Anemophily
There are only a few flowers that use wind pollination and their features are greenish, small and odourless flowers.
Pollination by Animals – Zoophily
Animals play an important role in plant reproduction.
Artificial pollination is done by human beings.
The process of fertilization in plants will take place when the sperm cells will reach the ovary and egg cells. The seed is then released from the parent plant and making it able to grow into a plant and continue the reproductive cycle with the use of the pollination method.


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