Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - A New Hope

Описание к видео Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga - A New Hope

24:47 - Ackbar’s and Pizza
29:55 - Core Worlds Engineering

It is a period of the Galactic Civil War. A Rebel Blockade Runner called the Tantive IV tried to evade a Super Star Destroyer, but the Star Destroyer disabled the ship's weapons. Stormtroopers boarded the ship and shot the Rebel Troopers. The Sith Lord Darth Vader then arrived. Princess Leia pulled a lever and picked up a disk containing the Death Star plans. She along with Captain Antilles traveled through the ship, defeating Stormtroopers in their way. When they found C-3PO and R2-D2, Leia tried to put the disc in R2 but R2 won't cooperate, so Leia opened Artoo's head and dropped the disc in, then left. Antilles recued a Rebel Friend from Stormtroopers, and the Friend joined him and the droids. The droids then escaped on the escape pod and landed on Tatooine. They went their separate ways (although 3PO kicks R2 for going the other way). 3PO then sees a Sandcrawler and jumps to get its attention. Meanwhile, R2 gets captured by Jawasand gets put in Sandcrawler with Threepio.
Later, a farm boy named Luke Skywalker buys R2 and 3PO from the Jawas because the other droids are breaking. That night, the Jawas stole R2 and 3PO, so Luke went looking for them, but was attacked by a Tusken Raider. Ben Kenobi arrived and scared him off. Luke and Ben traveled through the Jundland Wastes, fighting Sandpeople. They then arrived in the Sandcrawler and rescued R2 and 3PO. They traveled more through the Jundland Wastes as 3PO used moisture evaporators to dry the mud. When the were in front of Ben's hut, they defeated Sandtroopers and went inside. They then see Princess Leia's message. Ben then gave Luke Anakin's old lightsaber. When Luke tried out his new weapon, he accidentally cut 3PO's head off.
They then drove to Mos Eisley. R2 fell off the Landspeeder, but caught up with them at the cliff over looking Mos Eisley. While driving through Mos Eisley, they were stopped by Sandtroopers but Ben used the Jedi Mind Trick to confuse the Sandtrooper. Luke then hit a civilian Jawa with his landspeeder. When they arrived at the Mos Eisley Cantina, Luke spilled Ponda Baba's drink and Ponda Baba attacked him. Ben then cut off Ponda Baba's arm and he fell in pieces. They then met Han Solo, the captain of the Millennium Falcon. As Luke, Ben and the droids waited at the Falcon, Han and his co-pilot Chewbacca chased a mysterious Imperial Spy to the Falcon where he summoned a group of Sandtroopers. Han defeated the Spy and Sandtroopers and he and the gang escaped on the Falcon to go to Alderaan. Meanwhile, on the Death Star, Princess Leia mocked Grand Moff Tarkin, so he ordered the destruction of her home planet Alderaan. Leia cried as her planet was destroyed and Tarkin laughed at her misery.

The Falcon jumped out of hyperspace at the remains of Alderaan. A TIE Fighter attacked the Falcon and Han followed it to the Death Star, where the ship lost control. Vader commanded Stormtroopers to search the ship, but Han Soloand Luke Skywalker stole the Stormtroopers' armor. Han walked out and when he saw Vader, he put on a Stormtrooper helmet and tried to act casual. Vader senses Ben on the ship, but walks away. Han dropped the helmet and he and the gang headed to an elevator. They found out that Princess Leia was held prisoner on the Death Star. Ben went to disable the tractor beam, R2 and 3PO hid and Han, Luke and Chewbacca went to rescue the Princess. When they found Leia, she shot the garbage chute hatch. They jumped into the garbage chute, although Han had to tempt Chewie with a bone.

They slid through the garbage chute and landed in the trash compacter. Luke enjoyed the ride but Han wasn't enthusiastic. Han shot the wall, but the bolt bounced all over the place. The walls then started to close in on them, and they tried to brace it with something. 3PO noticed it on a computer screen and told R2 to shut it down. R2 saved them when they were about to be crushed. Han, Luke, Chewie, and Leia ventured through the Death Star to escape. When they reached the Falcon, Ben was struck down by Vader. The Falcon escaped.

They went to Yavin 4 to plan an assault on the Death Star with the Rebel Alliance. Luke Skywalkerwas an X-wing pilot. The X-wings struggled to open their wings. When Luke went into the trench, Vader and a couple of TIE Fighters followed him, but Han in the Millenium Falcon destroyed the TIE Fighters and sent Vader spinning, giving Luke a chance to shoot a Proton Torpedo into the reactor and blew it up. Luke and Han got awards for their efforts.


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