Dr Robert Cywes - Understanding and treating (Childhood) Obesity

Описание к видео Dr Robert Cywes - Understanding and treating (Childhood) Obesity

LCHF, hunger management and limited bariatric surgery in children with morbid obesity
Dr Robert Cywes

Summary: Bariatric surgery is often prescribed for the management of morbid obesity in children. As a bariatric surgeon I realized that the key to the management of obesity in children just as in adults requires the control of their abnormal hunger and the influence of that hunger on their eating behaviour. Our modern management of morbid obesity in children seeks to return the control of hunger to the proper biological controls and away from addictive choices driven by other (endorphin) pathways. We achieve this through the promotion of low carbohydrate diets and psychological interventions individualized for each child based in part on the manner in which they have been raised. The remarkable success of this program in reversing morbid obesity and in some cases type 2 diabetes in our cohort of children will also be reported.

Palm Beach Children’s Hospital AND Good Samaritan Hospital


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