Smoking Paper for 1 minute Straight (Captions for lyrics)

Описание к видео Smoking Paper for 1 minute Straight (Captions for lyrics)

Prepare for a laugh as I attempt to 'smoke' a 29cm paper 'cigarette' made from regular A4 paper! Remember, this is just for comedy – I'm not actually smoking or encouraging smoking in any way. If we reach 50 likes and 14 new subscribers, I'll up the ante and make a 59.4cm 'cigarette'! Smoking paper for the first time

Important Information:
Smoking regular paper is dangerous and should never be attempted. Paper is chemically bleached, and when burned, it can release harmful chemicals like chlorine, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, dioxins, and carbon monoxide. These chemicals can increase the risk of cancer and other health issues by over 400%.

I DO NOT encourage or condone the use of tobacco, tobacco products, vaping, or any form of smoking or vape culture. This video is for "Comedy entertainment purposes" ONLY.

Help us reach 50 likes and 14 new subscribers to see the 59.4cm 'cigarette' challenge! And remember to share this video with your friends for a good laugh. #PaperCigarette #Comedy #DontTryThisAtHome


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