Eve Abyssal T5 Gamma - Muninn Testing - Tessella / Karybdis / Karybdis

Описание к видео Eve Abyssal T5 Gamma - Muninn Testing - Tessella / Karybdis / Karybdis

I have gotten REALLY sick of the electrical filament prices, so I decided to make a Gamma fit. I am still trying to avoid the popular fits and I REALLY like Minmatar ships, so I chose the Muninn. I was using standard Drop, standard Blue, and Pyro 2. I am going to test dropping blue and pyro in the next runs.

This was a good test of the DPS as it was a -50% gamma, and there were two Karens. It was also a good test of the burst tank, as I was flying straight into the Karens, instead of at an angle.

1st room - Tessellas - 0:00
2nd room - Karybdis Tyrannos w/ Ephis - 04:07
3rd room - Karybdis Tyrannos w/ Scyllas - 09:36


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