How to knit (organ) pleats | KNITTING TUTORIAL | PatternDuchess

Описание к видео How to knit (organ) pleats | KNITTING TUTORIAL | PatternDuchess

Today I’m here to show you how to knit (vertical organ) pleats (also known as ruffles). They are used to create volume and give the fuller look to the garment. See the full blog post here:
For this example, one pleat is worked over 12 + 3 stitches. Meaning – the first 3 purl stitches are for the spacing, 9 knit stitches are for the pleat, and the last 3 purl stitches are for the spacing again. Therefore, if you need 10 pleats, for instance, you will multiply 10×12 and add 3 = 123 stitches.

Abbreviations used:

RS – right side;
WS – wrong side;
st(s) – stitch(es);
k – knit;
p – purl;
k2tog – knit 2 sts together as if to knit;
ssk – slip, slip, knit 2 slipped sts together through back loop;
CDD – central double decrease – knit 1st and 3rd sts together, pass the 2nd st over (see the video below ↓)
sk2p – slip st knitwise, knit 2 sts together, pass slipped stitch over;

Knitting instructions for one pattern repeat (without the edge stitches):

Row 1 (RS): (P3, k9), p3. (15 sts)
Row 2 (WS): K3, (p9, k3).
Row 3: (P3, ssk, k5, k2tog), p3. (13 sts)
Row 4: K3, (p7, k3).
Row 5: (P3, ssk, k3, k2tog), p3. (11 sts)
Row 6: K3, (p5, k3).
Row 7: (P3, ssk, k1, k2tog), p3. (9 sts)
Row 8: K3, (p3, k3).
Row 9: (P3, CDD or sk2p), p3. (7 sts)
Row 10: K3, (p1, k3).


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