Battle of the Chosin Reservoir

Описание к видео Battle of the Chosin Reservoir

In the winter of 1950, the mountainous terrain surrounding the man-made Chosin Reservoir in present-day North Korea became the setting for one of the most demanding tests of resolve, courage, and physical endurance in the history of the Marine Corps.

The Battle of the Chosin Reservoir lasted approximately 17 days and pitted 120,000 enemy Chinese troops against a force of just 30,000 U.S. Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers.

The “Chosin Few”, as the Marines of the 1st Marine Division came to be known, faced relentless enemy assaults, sub-zero temperatures, limited logistics, and no hope of reinforcement.

The Marines fought constantly throughout these 17 days, carving their way out of the frozen reservoir and toward the port of Hungnam, where the Marines were able to complete their withdraw via the sea alongside other UN troops and thousands of Korean refugees.

13 Medals of Honor were awarded during the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, 10 of them to United States #Marines.

#USMC #SemperFi #USMCHistory


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