ALMOST AMAZING Pool Punisher Inflatable Tank Float REVIEW

Описание к видео ALMOST AMAZING Pool Punisher Inflatable Tank Float REVIEW

Pool Punisher Inflatable Tank Float Review
In this video I show the good the bad and ugly of the Pool Punisher Pool Float. Overall, it's a pretty cool but pricey float. There are DEFINITELY a few things that could be improved to make this a far better float. Is it worth buying? Well watch and decide.

Here is a link to the pool punisher float on amazon to check it out further!
Buy on Amazon here:

Here is a little info about this video:

Is the Pool Punished Inflatable Army Tank the best pool float? This is (sadly) a question that I needed the answer to. Although, I was a bit curious about this monstrosity of a pool float I kind of wanted to see if this was as cool at it looked. So, I paid about $100 for a pool float, not something most sane adults would consider doing. Was this float worth the money? Well, that’s a loaded question. For most people no pool float will be worth this kind of money, and I would usually agree and would not even consider spending the money. But parent will do strange things sometimes. Now the float I will say was a very thick PVC material, much thicker than typical floats and believe me, we’ve had a lot of them. It’s large enough to easily accommodate your average adult and even has a water cannon that allows you to fire at unsuspecting and even suspecting individuals and well over 20 feet away. The one odd thing about this float is that it more of a boat. You sit in this giant tank and the bottom is sealed, so no part of your body is actually in the water. If it’s very hot out this might not be desirable. Anyway, if you’d like more information about this tank I did make a review video which would explain it a bit more thoroughly than this article can articulate. Please take a look and decide if the Pool Punisher tank float is for you.    • ALMOST AMAZING Pool Punisher Inflatab...  


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