Q&A- Abortion, Premarital Relations, Music, Belief in God & Religious Practice

Описание к видео Q&A- Abortion, Premarital Relations, Music, Belief in God & Religious Practice

Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz, a world renown lecturer and the Rav of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem.

00:00 Is it permitted to listen to non-Jewish music, even if the music was written for Christian worship?

06:43 How far should one go to help their friend if it requires embarrassing oneself?

10:05 What is the difference between perushim and haredim?

15:19 How limited is visiting a parent's grave, and is it permitted to speak about nothing to it?

17:47 Is it worse to have premarital relations with a non-Jew or with a Jew?

27:41 Is it possible to be a good, rational Jew, if one has doubts without knowing how to dispel them?

36:40 Can an Ashkenazi duchan on a plane if the chazzan is Sephardi?

45:33 What is the Jewish approach to abortion?

54:14 Are there Torah sources for healthy habits?

58:28 What are kavanos in a Kabbalistic context?

1:07:36 Since so many soldiers dying in the war are bnei Torah, why should a yeshiva bochur not serve right now?

1:11:45 What are the origins of the various trops, and do they change the meanings of the words?

1:17:50 If dying on Shabbos causes chilul Shabbos, why should that be the consequence for being born on Shabbos?

1:21:15 Why would the Jews have asked for straw if they knew the work was meaningless?

1:25:59 Is there reason to visit sites of tragedy, like towns in the South or concentration camps?

1:28:52 When a person converts, where does the goyish soul go?

1:32:09 Should one refrain from listening to Jewish music in the bathroom?

1:34:57 Is it proper to say Asher Yatzar out loud?

1:36:21 Is it possible to believe Hashem created the world and still not keep Shabbos?

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Q&A- Abortion, Premarital Relations, Abortion, Music, Belief in God & Religious Practice
by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

** DIVINE WISDOM - Live a Better Life **
Welcome to our new channel. Our goal is to help people learn how they can live a better life, with true meaning and purpose according to God’s wisdom as it is taught through the prophets in the Bible. We believe that God's Wisdom originally given to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai is for all people to benefit from; and together we can all make this world perfect, dwelling together in peace and brotherly love. We are approaching the Messianic Era, when all peoples will see God and serve Him together through His true prophets and chosen leaders.

This channel was started by Rabbi Yitzchak Botton, to help spread the knowledge of God's Divine truth, so we can all live a better life and together make this world a better place, and help hasten the arrival of the long awaited messiah and the building of the third Temple on Jerusalem. May we all see better days when there will be world peace, and all will know the knowledge of God's Divine truth, Amen.

This channels main lecturer is Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz. He is a world-renowned lecturer and rabbinic authority, who is the Rav of Kehillas Ohr Somayach, at Ohr Somayach, Jerusalem.

Kabbalah; Jewish Mysticism; Spirituality; Bible Studies; Jewish Practice; Jewish Philosophy; Morality & Ethics; Civil & Monetary Law; Life Coaching Self-Improvement and Motivational videos.

Here are some of the Rabbis we will be presenting: Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser Rabbi Yitzchak Botton Rabbi Gavrien Friedman Rabbi Akiva Tatz Rabbi Manis Friedman Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Rabbi Yaron reuven Rabbi Alon Anava Rabbi Paysach Krohn and many more

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