【ノーカット】本成寺鬼踊り 4K 高画質ライブ配信無編集

Описание к видео 【ノーカット】本成寺鬼踊り 4K 高画質ライブ配信無編集


Sanjo Setsubun "Ogre and Taiko"

English follow Japanese

本成寺本堂の厳粛な空気の中に響きわたる鬼たちの叫び声と鋸・斧などの金物を持ち大暴れするその姿は迫力満点。 最後は鬼に豆を投げつけて退散させ、平和と安全を祈ります。鬼に抱かれた赤ちゃんは健康に育つという言い伝えがあり、毎年子ども連れでにぎわいます。



株式会社 MAD PRODUCTION(エムエーディープロダクション)



赤鬼 人間すべての悪い心
青鬼 貧相で欲深い心
黄鬼 愚痴や甘えの心
緑鬼 傲りたかぶりの心
黒鬼 疑いの心
三途川婆(そうずかば) 強欲な妬みの心



Oni (*Japanese Ogre with horns)-
Colors of Oni represent the negative human emotions:
Red- All the sins
Blue- Greed
Yellow- Complaint and lack of discipline
Green- Arrogancy
Black- Suspicion
Sodukaba Granny- greed and Jealous

Blacksmith Drums-
The drums and the dance describe peoples’ lives through seasons, from seeding to harvesting in Sanjo, also known as the town of iron. People prayed for a great harvest by singing, dancing with the drums.
The sound of hitting a piece of iron in the drums describes the sound of Sanjo that people had heard throughout the town from morning until dusk. That’s the sound of forging iron by blacksmiths. The town of Sanjo is world-widely famous for its professional blacksmiths works.
Mixture sounds of the drums, forging iron, singing, and dancing. That’s the reason this drum group is called “Blacksmiths Drums”.

Oni and The Blacksmith Drums-
The story of “Oni and the blacksmith Drums” is based on a historical tale. In the 15th century at the Honjoij-temple in Sanjo, burglars attacked the temple from time to time. One day, the worriers of the temple and farmers fought against the burglars to protect the temple. They succeeded to let the burglars go away.
“Oni” represents burglars who attacked the temple to rob and destroy. “The Blacksmith Drums” represents the worriers and farmers who fought against burglars with their handmade swords, sickle, hammers, and hoes in their hands. Oni converts from evil to good by ringing the iron piece (in the tale, they ring a bell at the temple) in the end...


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