How to Take an Order in Restaurant || Order Taking Skills

Описание к видео How to Take an Order in Restaurant || Order Taking Skills

After welcoming and seating the guests by hostess, its time to return to the table to take the order.
Order taking is a skilful art for any waiter.
In this video, we going to see step by step procedures about
how to take food And beverage order in restaurant or in any other food and beverage outlets in details.
Step 1
Prepare yourself and observe the guest
As a waiter ,First thing to do is preparing yourself to take the order.
Take your captain order and your pen.
Fill the table number in Captain Order and be observant to use proper timing.
Smile, make an eye contact and anticipate when the guest is ready to order.

Step 2
Table Approach
Approach the guest table with a smile, Greet the guest by the session like Good afternoon, Good evening sir/madam
Waiter must introduce himself to the guest by saying
My name is John, and I’ll be your server tonight
• Ask one or more personal interaction question to the guest/s.
“How are you tonight?
How was your day?
And then
Excuse me sir/ madam, May I take your order please? or Are you ready to place your order sir/madam?

Step 3
Taking Beverage Order
Always waiter must take beverage order first from the guest.
• Ask for water preferences by saying
Can I get you some still or sparkling water first?
• Introduce the beverage menu to the guest and Suggest a pre-meal drink as per the taste by asking
“Would you like to start your dinner with having some aperitif or any other cocktails
• Inform the guest/s that beverages will be served first and will give them enough time to decide their food orders.
• After punching the beverage order in the micros, waiter have to come back to the table
• Serve the drinks orders and check if the guest are ready to order their food.

Step 4

Taking Food Order

Return to the table in approximately 5 minutes
“Would you like me to take your order or do you like to have some more time”
If the guest is ready to place order
Waiter must Suggest a food and/ or help pairing wine for the guest/s from the menu- if the guest/s ask for the suggestion
• Make suggestions with some starters from the menu, if it is a group of people offer them our special sharing style menu

• Take the individual orders considering:
The eldest lady to the youngest lady and followed with the eldest man to the youngest and the host of the table at last.
Step 5
Repeating the Order
After all the guest ordered, Repeat the orders to confirm with all special request by saying
May I Repeat your order please..
• Let the guest/s know the time required to serve the order.
“I would like to inform you that your order will be served in 10 minutes or 15 minutes”
Step 6
Thank the Guest
When guest has acknowledged the order, thank the guest politely and collect all the menu from the table.


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