Torchlight Infinite ss3 - How to Craft Any End Game Item (CRAFTING GUIDE)

Описание к видео Torchlight Infinite ss3 - How to Craft Any End Game Item (CRAFTING GUIDE)

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Didn't see many recent detailed crafting guides so I made one! This guide will show you how to craft at minimum 2x T0 and 1x T1 before target processing. During target processing, it just depends on how much money you'll willing to spend and what tier you are willing to settle at.

00:00 Intro
01:06 Choosing your base
06:53 Choosing a random person's gear as an example on how to craft any item
08:30 How to check modifier weighting/how rare they are
10:10 Choosing another person's gear since I forgot to save the first guy's profile lol
12:00 How to decide which modifiers to lock on the item to craft before target processing
15:36 Walking through an example on my boots
17:53 Walking through how the guy crafted his staff
23:06 Elevating to T0 after getting 3x T1s and 2x Trash modifiers
24:54 What happens if your T0 elevation hits one of your other 2 desire T1 modifiers
26:38 Which modifiers to target process first (Target the mod in the order you want at the highest tier first)
31:42 For the last mod, you can either choose to gamble by slamming it with target processing or if you need a certain roll that enchanting can satisfy, then just enchant something on there instead
32:32 How to find crafting bases using condition groups / A different way the guy could have crafted his item with the same cost (easier to find crafting base)
37:56 Why you want your third modifier during prototyping to be a more common modifier
39:04 Beginning to craft my boots using what we learned so far
40:48 Using condition groups to find my crafting base
41:54 Locking 1 modifier and rolling for the second one
50:37 Quitting rolling the 2nd modifier and just buying a base with 2 modifiers on it because it takes too long to roll
51:40 Locking both modifiers and rolling for the third using plasticity
52:54 Hitting my 3rd modifier easily then upgrading it to T1. This is why we want the 3rd modifier to be a common modifier with a high weighting. This gives us more leeway in using our remaining plasticity to be able to upgrade it to T1
54:00 Upgrading to T0 using ultimate embers
57:10 Target Processing (Burning FE) for your remaining modifiers after hitting your 2x T0 and 1x T1
1:04:38 Deciding whether I want to target process my last modifier or enchanting it on
1:05:38 Make sure to truth ember first for your perfect modifier rolls before enchanting
1:06:34 Finishing my item with enchanting
1:07:00 Deciding whether you want to finish your item off with dream crafting
1:08:47 Fixing your implicit rolls if it isn't already perfect
1:10:30 Bonus tip!
1:11:04 Concluding thoughts

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