Women in Design - A London Perspective

Описание к видео Women in Design - A London Perspective

Digital Influx hosted a webinar live from London that highlights the progressives steps that have taken place with the design community as well as addressing the harsh realities of being a woman within the tech industry. This session will focus on empathy & empowerment through shared experiences

Industry leaders from the UK design community will cut through the smoke and mirrors to encourage women to step out of their comfort zone and make achieving the ‘next step’ a reality, not an aspiration.

This event will offer inspiration, knowledge, and an understanding of how empathy can be used to create a more inclusive society.

Our Speakers for the day;
Rachel Ilan Simpson - Design Lead - Google
Melanie Yencken - UX Design Lead - Google
Lisa Reeves - UX Design Lead - HSBC
Laura Rojas Vergas - UX Designer - Pearson

The question that our panel will be answering are;
• Did you experience any struggles getting to where you are today, and what advice would you give to women hoping to reach leading roles?
• Do you know of any women who have been the masterminds behind huge designs yet are not recognised?
• Have you experienced any inequality regarding wage and why do you think this is the case? Is there anything you believe society could do to abolish the pay gap?
• Have you experienced any struggles in your career purely based on your gender including a lack of opportunities & do you think workplaces should incorporate stricter codes of conduct for the use of derogatory/dehumanising language & dress code?
• Do you think design companies should use their knowledge of empathy to further promote gender equality in the workplace & Do you feel empathy should be taught to children?

For more info, please email us on [email protected]


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