Clinton Kane - CHICKEN TENDIES (Live Performance) | Vevo

Описание к видео Clinton Kane - CHICKEN TENDIES (Live Performance) | Vevo

Clinton Kane - CHICKEN TENDIES. An exclusive live performance for Vevo.

You’d think the world would have had enough of love songs, and then someone like Clinton Kane comes around and reminds everyone that nothing stirs the soul like putting your heart out on the table for all to see. The Norwegian-Filipino singer-songwriter imbues every track with earnestness, usually of the romantic kind, like you’ll see here. Making music originally served as an antidote to stress and anxiety for young Mr. Kane. It still does, but the popularity of his tracks (the adorably-named “Chicken Tendies” is currently sitting at more than 2.5 million views) means that they’re doing the same for others, too. Gotta love that. We were holding back tears in the studio watching him perform “Chicken Tendies” and his new ballad “I Guess I’m in Love.” Both are sure to pull at your heartstrings, too.

Clinton Kane
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Executive Producer: Micah Bickham
Director: Bram VanderMark
Producer: Averi Smith
Director of Photography: Skyler Brown
Editor: Andrew Ros
Music & Talent: Gabby Prisciandaro + Sam Mackoff

#Clinton Kane #CHICKENTENDIES #Vevo


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