Why I Love the Flexitarian Diet

Описание к видео Why I Love the Flexitarian Diet

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To really get healthy once and for all, you have to have some fun!

If changing your diet feels like it's going to be miserable, you're never going to be able to sustain that new diet in the long term, because who would want to sustain that kind of misery?!

As a Flexitarian Food Coach, joy is one of the core concepts I focus on with every single one of my clients, because once you can start to feel the joy of being healthier, your whole life improves, and that's what makes the Flexitarian diet easy to stick to long term.

In this video, I wanted to talk about where I find joy with healthy eating, and how joy has made it easier and easier to continue eating healthy year after year.

If you want to experience this kind of joy, and are ready to transition to a Flexitarian diet, then head to www.BenMastracco.com and set up your free Strategy Session today!


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