Shinchan & I Doing the Red Chilli Dare Challenge in World of Tanks! 🌶️

Описание к видео Shinchan & I Doing the Red Chilli Dare Challenge in World of Tanks! 🌶️

Shinchan & I Doing the Red Chilli Dare Challenge in World of Tanks! 🌶️#newyearnewbattles

How to Participate & Win a PS5
Step 1 - Download and Play World of Tanks from the link:
Step 2 - Perform the dares and post it on your social media tagging me and using the #NewYearNewBattles
Step 3 - Relax and wait because you are now eligible to win a PS5!!!
Also comment me your craziest dare below and the dare with the highesht like i will perform on Instagram

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