Sadistic Vampire Plays With His Food [M4A] [Fantasy] [Cruel] [Making You His]

Описание к видео Sadistic Vampire Plays With His Food [M4A] [Fantasy] [Cruel] [Making You His]

Sorry about earlier dear, I hope you can forgive me. It's not the end of the world if you don't. In fact, I like you resenting me. That extra fight makes you much more... palatable~

This script was written and performed by me.

All My Links! -

Nico! TheSleepingNightingale! Shinybun! Askari! Althea Roque! Char Coalman! Corinna Corriveau! muse of afterthought! Castiel! (No name)! fangirl001! Zion Rose Light! riotcontrolcamp! Thundor405! MadHatter! Mighty Hungry! Necromania! Rae Rae! Butterfly Seraph! Gilbert Robinson! Aleksgoneaway! McFluffy! Asher Burn! Pixx! Wolfwarebjs! FirstGuard! 2XC4U! Molly James! haelscape! Aer G! Zen! Jupiter! Vicky! KotaKitten314! Hollyhock! -ROS-! SoulNova! Insomnia! Moonstar! Multiduel! Absolite23! Arlo Cloifaunt! Cassie Ralston! Key! sleepy! TheresSomethingHappening! naicissus! Butterscotch08! Jenna Zotz!


This seems like the exact type of audio I would have a ahem patreon sequel to. And yet it doesn't exits. Why am I like this? WHO KNOWS! Buuuuut I might make a sequel to this if it does well, I had a surprising amount of fun doing this.

Also if you ask for Cruel Werewolf 4 under this I am going to bonk you. I know. I am working on it. February and you'll get it.

It's February now isn't it...



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