Honour God, Your Ancestors & Yourself Let No Man Interrupt Your Journey. Stand 😁 In Your Truth

Описание к видео Honour God, Your Ancestors & Yourself Let No Man Interrupt Your Journey. Stand 😁 In Your Truth

I thank God for this Channel and I think all of you who have subscribed liked shared and commented as well as those who have graciously donated here. without you there's no reason for me to be here so thank you 💞 for being a big part of my journey I hope the reading is healing for you and you take with you some understanding that helps you make your life better

God bless you all and aloha 🙏

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Psalm 42 for the director of music a maskil of the sons of Korah

As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you oh God my soul thirst for God for the living God when can I go and meet with God my tears have been my food day and night while men say to me all day long where is your God 💖 these things I remember as I pour out my soul how I used to go with the multitude leading the procession to the house of God with shouts of joy and Thanksgiving among the festive throng why are you downcast oh my soul why so Disturbed with in me put your hope in God for I will yet Praise him My Savior and my God my soul is downcast within me therefore I will remember you from the land of the Jordan the heights of the Hermon from Mizar deep calls too deep in the roar of the waterfalls all your waves and breakers have swept over me 5 day the Lord directs his love at night his song is with me a prayer to the god of my life I say to God my rock why have you forgotten me why must I go about morning oppressed by my enemy my bones suffer mortal agony as my first taught me saying to me all day long where is your god why are you downcast oh my soul why so Disturbed Within Me put your hope in God for I will yet Praise him My Savior and my God amen God we love you dear Lord there may be others who would like to add on to this prayer I know you know their hearts Lord therefore I stand in agreement with their prayer request and Lord please protect this reading have it expeditiously uploaded and Lord call to the people who need to hear this reading 🙏 thank you God Amen


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