Pukará de Quitor at Atacama in Chile

Описание к видео Pukará de Quitor at Atacama in Chile

Pukará de Quitor (Fort of Quitor) is located 3 Kms. from San Pedro, over the hill of Quitor. This Pukará was build by the atacameño people to defend themself from other towns that inhabited Southamerica.

Entering Quitor, a fort builded in the XII century lies on the summit of a hill over the river San Pedro. Pukará de Quitor is an ancient indian fortress, which dates from more than 700 years.

Declared National Monument in 1982. Its construction pre-Inca dates from the XII century. Builded over rocks that form the surface of a hill as a fortress with a perimetral defence wall. The ruins of Pukará de Quitor are located in a bend of the bankruptcy where flows the waters of San Pedro river, or Río Grande (Grande river) and over a inclined plane of strong slopes.


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