Color Corrections | Set yourself up for success fixing bad hair 😱 | Hairstylist Business Tips

Описание к видео Color Corrections | Set yourself up for success fixing bad hair 😱 | Hairstylist Business Tips


Let's talk Color Corrections! I know that they can feel SO overwhelming, can be very intimidating, and honestly a little scary! Who else wants to go curl up in the back room when they have a color correction? 🙋‍♀️ Yeah, me too....that's why I made this video.

I wanted to create this video to help give you the steps you need to take so that you're setting yourself up for success when it comes to color corrections!

If you want to see some Color Correction Techniques, check out some of my other videos below:

➵ Platinum Blonde Color Correction | Brunette to White in one Appointment! (Full Technique)    • Platinum Blonde Color Correction | Br...  

➵ Balayage Color Correction - Blonde Hair Transformation (Full Tutorial including Formulas!)    • Balayage Color Correction - Blonde Ha...  


👉 IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, come over to Instagram, send me a DM, and let me know! I'd love to hear your favorite thing about this video!   / jamiedanahairstylist  


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