Ideashala on Evolving Dynamics of the India-China Relationship: 5G, Huawei and Kra Canal, 28 June'19

Описание к видео Ideashala on Evolving Dynamics of the India-China Relationship: 5G, Huawei and Kra Canal, 28 June'19

Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA) in collaboration with Takshashila Institution, Bangalore organised an Ideashala (Panel Discussion) followed by Brainstorming Sessions on
“5G, Huawei & Geopolitics – An Indian Roadmap” & “The Kra Canal (a BRI Project in Thailand): What does it mean for India?” on 28 June 2019 at Sapru House, New Delhi

Welcome Remarks:
Dr. T.C.A. Raghavan
Director General, Indian Council of World AffairsIntroductory Remarks:

Mr. Nitin Pai
Co-Founder and Director, The Takshashila Institution

‘The Kra Canal: What does it mean for India?’
Mr. Anirudh Kanisetti
Research Analyst, The Takshashila Institution

‘5G, Huawei & Geopolitics: An Indian Roadmap’
Mr. Manoj Kewalramani
Associate Fellow, The Takshashila InstitutionPanel Discussion:

Suhasini Haidar
Diplomatic and Strategic Affairs Editor, The Hindu

1. Dr.Jabin Jacob, Associate Professor, Shiv Nadar University;
2. Mr. Manoj Kewalramani,Associate Fellow, The Takshashila Institution; and
3. Mr. Anirudh Kanisetti,Research Analyst, The Takshashila Institution

Vote of thanks:
Amjad Ali Khan
Convenor, The Ideashala


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