Friday Night Funkin' Arrow Funk Update (FNF: AF Epic Birthday Remaster) [Skid Pump Daddy Dearest GF]

Описание к видео Friday Night Funkin' Arrow Funk Update (FNF: AF Epic Birthday Remaster) [Skid Pump Daddy Dearest GF]

Friday Night Funkin' Arrow Funk Update VS the characters in Week 1 & 2 for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. yoisabo - Director:

This is the Arrow Funk Epic Birthday Remaster demo. It includes 9 songs. They remastered like a few songs, extended tutorial, upgraded a bunch of sprites, added results screen animation, made a bunch of new sprites for almost every menu, added lemon demon with lyrics, added fnf animations, and more, but they removed Pico's songs. They are probably saving it for arrow funk v2 update.

I was really hoping they made the game over song officially playable, but nope. OH and since this is a brazilian mod, they should really think about adding brazilian miku to it! It would be perfect! I even saw the director retweeting an image of her, so I know they're a fan of her.

brazilian miku, brazilian miku, brazilian miku

Arrow Funk FNF Remixes Mod Download:

Game Note: Arrow Funk is a Friday Night Funkin' mod. based on a Youtube Video about Guessing Character names (There is no story, but I guess BF is still Fighting for his super hot Girlfriend as Boyfriend battle GF Rock Star father, and her also super hot Pop Star mom, a familiar friend hired to take out BF (Pico, Skid, Pump, Lemon Monster and Shaggy Remastered)

Includes the following:
Banger remixes.
Cool new character designs.
New backgrounds.
Stylized icons.
Songs Remastered
New Twist remixes
New Menu art
Game Over Animation

All FNF Songs:
Bopeebo to Reboop
Fresh to Fresher
Dad Battle to Rap King
Spookeez to Bittersweet
South to Nightfall
Monster to Virus

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Arrow Funk Remaster Full Mod Timestamp:
00:00 FNF Animation/preview
00:31 Comparing new to old tutorial
01:01 Daddy Dearest 3rd Song new to old
01:48 Skid and pump new to old
02:21 They removed the game over song?
02:57 English or Portugues (Brasil)
03:00 Funny Warning
03:07 Intro
03:20 Title Screen
03:35 Menu
03:54 Week list
04:14 Options
04:41 1) Tutorial (Henchman - Kevin vs Boyfriend - Bidu)
06:15 What Achievements looks like
06:19 Results Screen
06:42 Menu
Week 1
06:46 2) Reboop (Daddy Dearest - Sagu de uva)
08:52 3) Fresher (Beat box part is remastered)
09:46 GF (Barbara) does something cute
10:49 4) Rap King
11:40 Spotlight
12:21 Spotlight
13:56 Daddy angry but Remastered
14:05 FNF Animation/Cutscenes 1
14:40 Unlocked Twist 1
Week 2
14:54 5) Bittersweet (VS Skid n' Pump - Morte e Abóbora)
17:39 6) Nightfall
21:52 7) Virus
23:38 Lemon Demon/Monster - Limão Podre
25:03 Evil BF
26:09 FNF Animation/Cutscenes 2
26:30 Unlocked Twist 2
26:41 Freeplay
26:54 8) Fresher Twist
30:31 9) Nightfall Twist
35:05 Credit
35:33 Achievements
36:03 Other Achievements are hidden
36:16 Chart Editor
36:18 Pause Menu
36:40 What if you get F rank?
36:58 Alt Cutscene
37:10 Game Over Animations
37:50 Touching glitch notes
38:01 Messing around with sprites
38:20 was the "yeah" even incuded in the Skid and pump song?
39:21 Outro - CommunityGame

Mod Creators for FNF AU: Arrow Funk Sides Remixes Mod below
VS Arrow Funk Remixes Week (No Cutscenes) Mod Download link:
yoisabo - Director, Artist, Character Designer, Background artist, Animator, Sprite animator, Programmer, Charter, Composer
Murasaki_Yokuutsu - Artist and Character Designer
I'm Not Sonic - Sprite Artist
BeastlyChip - Composer
AllyTS - Composer
Tyefling - Voice Actor
Gazozoz - Funny Programmer & Charter
Gabiss - Funny Artist & Character Designer
DiogoTV - Funny Programmer
crowplexus - Funny Programmer

Credited Credits
Tyefling - Made Kevin's voice for Tutorial
Hundred - Made the options menu music and Playtester
Psych Engine - Engine used to make the mod
Funkin' Crew - made THE GAME!

Special Thanks
Pai Troll - Made the video this mod was based on :)

GameBanana Helper
Soulegal - made the gamebanana page

Get the game and support the creators of the game:
Friday Night Funkin' Update | FULL WeekEnd 1 + Cutscenes (FNF Update) (BF/GF/Pico) (It's not Week 8)
   • Friday Night Funkin' Update | FULL We...  

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