Toledo, Consuegra & Cuenca | The last day of the trip around the South of Spain

Описание к видео Toledo, Consuegra & Cuenca | The last day of the trip around the South of Spain

Hi! The last day of our trip was rainy but still we visited four different cities: Toledo, Consuegra, Toboso and Cuenca. Toledo is famous for its steel and connection with Cervantes. In Consuegra we strolled around the famous windmills with which fought Don Quijote. In Toboso we continued the Don Quijote theme for it is the town where Dulcinea, Don Quijote's lady lived. Cuenca, the last point of our trip amazed us with its beauty - we admired the river, cliffs and charming little houses. We finally returned to Valencia after nine long days to hug the cat.


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