Golden Brass Bismarck Chain | Flat Fancy Jewellery Chain Necklace | How I Made It. By Kryher

Описание к видео Golden Brass Bismarck Chain | Flat Fancy Jewellery Chain Necklace | How I Made It. By Kryher

Greetings friends! For this video I got inspired by a fancy jewellery chain that is very popular in my homeland Russia. Enjoy!

I've been making all sorts of chains lately and this one is one of my favourites, it has a lot of names and variations, bismark, bismarck, arabic bismark, cardinal chain and garibaldi link. I quite probably will make another video of a really fine flat bismarck chain and yet another of a 3D bismarck maybe a double faced one as well, who knows...

Well, the proccess is not very complicated but it's quite tricky to solder just the right points of the chain links to make it flow. As usual I used my beloved oxy-hydrogen water welding machine for soldering and hard silver solder on gold brass. I used a propane torch to anneal the chain before milling.
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