That Went SO Well- {Encouraging Post Session Talk} for Photographers l Edit with Me

Описание к видео That Went SO Well- {Encouraging Post Session Talk} for Photographers l Edit with Me

Hey darling friend...
I see you. You are a photographer and feeling lonely. Or burnt out. Or confused. Lost maybe?
Well, I want to welcome you to OUR channel. A place where you can come whenever you want and get a little bit of companionship, knowledge, encouragement, or just hear someone who gets how you're feeling in your photography walk. I built this channel to be something that I wish I had when I was starting out. A community where you can beat that lonely editing feeling.
You belong here.

Episode specifics: This episode is the third in a mini series called "pep talks". We all need a little encouragement in our ear or a sympathetic friend to talk to when things don't go quite right. Well, this way- you can have someone in your corner to share the quiet before the session, the disappointments of tough sessions, or the joy and thrill of a GREAT experience with your clients. Pop it on whenever you feel like celebrating.

Grow your editing confidence, ditch the loneliness and doubt, and join the "Edit with me" family!

Photo Credit: Kelly Goggin Photography
Video Created and music license: Canva

Just remember: You are loved, you are worthy, you are valuable, and the world NEEDS your lens!


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