5 Poses to aid implantation

Описание к видео 5 Poses to aid implantation

1. Reclining Goddess – This pose requires you to lie on your back, bend your knees and bring two pillows under the knees as you splay them out and a bolster to support your back as you incline up. If well supported this pose has no contraindications.
2. Tortoise – This pose requires you to sit up open your legs out, bend the knees and draw the ankles in so you form a trapezius shape, while flexing the feet, holding the heels and rounding your spine forward. If not overstrained this pose is safe and has no contraindications.
3. Cone – This pose requires you to sit up and extend your legs out to make a V shape, as you stretch your spine and gently hinge at the hips and lean over. Do not attempt this pose if you have hamstring or lower back injury.
4. Reclining figure 4 – This pose requires you to lie on your back cross one ankle over the other knee, thread your arms through and dropping the tailbone down and flexing both feet draw the knee into the chest. This pose has no contraindications.
5. Cradle – This pose requires you to lie on your back, bend your knees and brings the soles together, as you hold the outer ankles with both arms, lift your head, neck and chest and rock side to side. Do not attempt this pose if you have stomach cramps or hip injury.


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