Teaching Tips for Home Tutors

Описание к видео Teaching Tips for Home Tutors

Teaching Tips for Home Tutors
Take Care of Following Things at Student’s Home
1) Be communicative and establish open environment.
2) As much as possible make class fun and exciting.
3) Promote positive attitude.
4) Involve parents regularly.
5) Prepare your lesson plan in advance.
6) Select a suitable place from where you can comfortably conduct class.
7) Try to learn reasons why student wanted a tutor.
8) Analyze the strength and weakness of pupil.
9) Find out the areas of student’s interest.
10) Take a review of last session and discuss the objective of current class.
11) Give brief introduction of new concept which you are about to deliver.

Points to Remember While Taking Lessons :
1) Be prompt while teaching.
2) Establish a healthy learning environment.
3) Patiently listen to the student’s responses and explanations.
4) On regular base give the feedback on progress to student.
5) Work on the weak areas of student.

Scientia Tutorials
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