SSL SiX: A Beginner's Guide

Описание к видео SSL SiX: A Beginner's Guide

Hello audio nerds, here are the timestamps...

PART 1: The Inputs

00:15 - Why it's called SiX
00:51 - MONO "money" Channel Input
01:35 - What the Hi-Z switch is for and does
02:09 - MONO "money" Channel Strip
02:09 - MONO Channel Gain Knob
02:23 - MONO Channel Compressor
02:57 - MONO Channel Equalizer
03:56 - Introducing the Stereo Cue Send Knobs
04:34 - MONO Channel Pan Knob
04:50 - MONO Channel Insert Switch
05:10 - MONO Channel Fader
05:16 - Introducing the Bus B Switch
05:37 - MONO Channel Pre-Fade Listen (PFL) Switch
05:52 - STEREO Channel Strip
06:40 - Talkback Mic Input & Parameters
07:15 - EXTernal Inputs
07:51 - DSUB Input and what a DSUB is and does

PART 2: Routing and Summing Capabilities

08:41 - SUMMING 12 inputs to the MAIN MIX BUS
10:32 - BUS B Explained
11:17 - BUS B Parameters & Summing Capability
12:13 - Splitting BUS B in Two (mono) Outputs
12:59 - IMPORTANT NOTE (for those beyond beginners)
13:09 - ST. CUES Explained
13:24 - Introducing the FOLDBACK SECTION
13:36 - ST. CUES Pre/Post Fade Explained
14:15 - FOLDBACK OUTPUT Volume Knob
14:33 - How to use the TALKBACK MIC Switch
15:18 - FOLDBACK SECTION Explained w/ Example

PART 3: The Main Mix Bus, Monitors, & "The Glue"

18:07 - Introducing the MAIN MIX BUS & MONITOR CONTROLS
18:46 - MAIN MIX BUS Explained
20:41 - HEADPHONE Knob & Switches
20:57 - G-Series "The Glue" Bus Compressor


21:43 - Final Thoughts


OK, you might be going "well you forget this or that". Just know, this video is for someone that is new to recording consoles and wants the 101 lesson to the SiX's functionality. So I hope this helps a newbie or anyone with basic questions about the SiX.

I do encourage you to share how you use the SiX in the comments. This console is crazy compact and endlessly manipulative. I'd love to learn what and how you go about recording. Thanks again for stopping by.


I encourage everyone to read the application examples in the user manual. It can be found at the very end of it. My video kept all of these methods out. Seriously check them out, their uncut gems. I wish to make another video about them... I also wish to have more I/Os on my interface, a couple cool processor, ooh maybe a fusion (wink-wink-nudge-nudge if you're reading SSL), not forgetting the D-sub cables, and of course 10 million in a Swiss bank account.

User Manual:


Finally, thanks for watching. This video was made in part by being quarantined. So thank you Coronavirus. If you're feeling like a nerd follow me on Instagram @audioapprentice. If you're still reading stop. If you can't stop, try closing your eyes :-)



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