Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 18] Steel Shade

Описание к видео Chrono Trigger DS [Optional Boss 18] Steel Shade

► Playlist with bosses:

Battle starts at 00:37

Steel Shade is a toughie for one single reason: Scintillation. That thing has power WAY beyond anything you took so far and will cause a party wipe easily unless your Mag Defense is around 95, it's THAT powerful.

If you have at least one White Vest/Plate you should be able to survive since Steel Shade's melee attacks are strong, but quite manageable, he starts off by countering with his own versions of Crono's critical hit animation and Wind Slash, the latter does a reasonable amount of Light damage.

Once you wither Steel Shade's health low enough he will start using Rend (Spincut/Cleave) as counter, but nothing really worrisome, it's his Luminaire you should watch out for since before you reach Level 53 or something he'll be easily doing over 1000 damage to your entire team with it.

I recommend bringing Ayla to this fight not only because Steel Shade has low Def, but Charm will give you another Prism Spectacles to use.


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