Science Session | Black Goo: The Unseen Challenge in Modern Waste Management

Описание к видео Science Session | Black Goo: The Unseen Challenge in Modern Waste Management

Presented by the Environmental Research & Education Foundation of Canada.

Delve into the nature and challenges of “black goo” in waste management. In this condensed, high-impact session, we will dive into what black goo is, its sources, why it has emerged as a problem recently, and the cutting-edge techniques used to clean up goo-fouled sites. This session is structured to give you a comprehensive understanding of the issue and its impacts on environmental sustainability. You’ll get the opportunity to hear from experienced professionals who have been directly involved in tackling black goo and have contributed significantly to the field of waste management.

Leading the conversation are Brittney Crawford, an Environmental Engineer with the Region of Waterloo’s Waste Management Division; Dr. Craig H. Benson, an internationally recognized landfill expert and Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin – Madison; and Dr. Laura Hug, a microbial researcher who explores the tiny lifeforms dwelling in contaminated sites, including those colonizing municipal landfills.


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