True Reflex wing Technology

Описание к видео True Reflex wing Technology

Semi, half, quarter, a little bit of, a tea spoon of... DON'T BE FOOLED... Here is a demonstration of what True Reflex design should behave like. As you can see in this short video these Reflex wings really are REFLEX WINGS! able to off load from the As and maintain their shape due to the elevator of the Reflex profile. Paramania wing profiles are fully adjustable (using the trimmers) so slow take off paraglider like speeds 0%, semi, just over semi, fully Reflex adjustable! THE FULL RANGE!

This video should help put things into perspective! and remember you too can try letting you wing over shoot or pulling As etc while ground handling... You will soon see if your wing have a Reflex profile or not!

Enjoy the video clip ;-)

Pascal Campbell-Jones


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