Taylor Swift sings Adele "Someone Like You" accompanied by leukemia patient

Описание к видео Taylor Swift sings Adele "Someone Like You" accompanied by leukemia patient

A bone marrow transplant saved my life. If you would like to be a bone marrow donor, register at BeTheMatch.org. Matched donors can be very hard to find, and I was very fortunate to have found one. You will lose nothing when you give bone marrow (yours will grow back in a few weeks time), but it could make all the difference in someone else's life. I would encourage everyone to register. Thanks!

A little bit about my experience:
I recently underwent a bone marrow transplant due to leukemia. Taylor Swift stopped by the hospital for a surprise visit and dropped by my room to say hi! When she noticed the keyboard in my room, she asked me to play a song for her. I decided to play a song I had recently started working on which was "Someone Like You," by Adele. She said she would sing what she knew, and I said that I would play as much as I knew. This was the most amazing moment in my life being able to accompany Taylor Swift. She is super nice and cordial and probably made everyone's day here at the hospital. It was so great of her to come out specially to visit all of us here at the hospital. And in case you are wondering, I did get a hug from her, unfortunately it wasn't caught on video!

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