Mastering Stacks in SwiftUI (VStack, HStack, LazyStacks, SwiftUI Tutorial)

Описание к видео Mastering Stacks in SwiftUI (VStack, HStack, LazyStacks, SwiftUI Tutorial)

In this SwiftUI tutorial, we’ll discussing and looking at stacks in SwiftUI. We’ll build a weather component that displays an hourly forecast of the upcoming weather readings, using a wide range of stacks whilst also answering many of the questions that you may have like, how to use hstack?, how to use vstack?, how to use lazystack?, what is a vstack in swiftui?, what is a hstack in swiftui? and what is a lazystack in swiftui?

Well let’s jump into this swiftui tutorial to find out the answer all your questions.


00:00 Introduction
00:29 Designing and building our model
03:15 Breaking down and planning how to tackle our weather component
04:40 Explaining and breaking down VStack & HStack in SwiftUI
05:45 Using VStack in SwiftUI to build our forecast view
11:22 Explaining and breaking down LazyStack, LazyVStack & LazyHStack in SwiftUI
14:18 Using LazyHStack in SwiftUI to build our forecast list view
17:08 Using Measurement Formatter to format our weather readings
19:13 Using HStack & VStack in SwiftUI to build our hourly forecast view
24:07 Wrap up

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#tundsdev #swiftuitutorial #swiftuiweatherapp #swiftuihstack #swiftuivstack #swiftuilazygrid #swiftuisfsymbols


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