Kim Osorio & Malik Buie Set Record Straight with Documentary "Tale of the Tape" Mixtape Kings!

Описание к видео Kim Osorio & Malik Buie Set Record Straight with Documentary "Tale of the Tape" Mixtape Kings!

Best Mixtape Ever: @KimOsorio1 and @Kingbuie Stop by "The Winner's Circle" To talk to @JuneArcher about new documentary project "Tale of the Tape" on @amazonprime + What was the inspiration behind the documentary + Kim drops gems on how she was hot in journalism way before "The Source" + If it were not for the Mixtape DJ most of the artists we know like @50Cent Ma$e, @mr_camron and others would not have been heard if it weren't for the DJ to break their records + What are your "Top 5 Mixtapes of All Time" + Bet you won't guess who the #1 Mixtape DJ is...?

#kimosorio #malokbuie #JuneArcher #thewinnerscircle #thisis50 #taleofthetape #mixtape #DJEnvy #DJSnS #DJCraigG #DJRonG #DJClue #DJs


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