Leap Frog 5.10a Tricams Only - Wichita Mountains, OK

Описание к видео Leap Frog 5.10a Tricams Only - Wichita Mountains, OK

Leap Frog is the forgotten classic of the main slab on Zoo Wall. Most people who visit this wall climb the Dihedral, Crazy Alice, and then grease up Dr. Cool Head. But they miss out on a quality route in-between the difficulty of Alice and Cool Head. Leap Frog still goes well on the top rope anchors and it is stylistically similar to Crazy Alice.

I previously climbed this route on TR around three years ago. Since many years passed and I still hadn't lead it, I figured I would try to bump up the style somehow. The weather wasn't suiting for a nude ascent so I figured "tricams only" was a solid option. And I was pleasantly surprised! The tricams fit in all of the standard cam placements and it went way better than I would expect a nut or hex only attempt to go. Maybe tricams have earned a permanent place on my harness? They're way lighter than ultra light cams!

Special thanks to Drew for the belay and to Drew and Miles for lending me some of their tricams. Literally couldn't have done it without ya!


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