కాంచీపురం వెళ్ళినవాళ్ళు ఈ ఆలయం ఆసలు Miss కాకండి | Paramacharya Mani mandapam | Nanduri Srinivas

Описание к видео కాంచీపురం వెళ్ళినవాళ్ళు ఈ ఆలయం ఆసలు Miss కాకండి | Paramacharya Mani mandapam | Nanduri Srinivas

Today is Kanchi Paramacharya Sri Chandra Sekhara Saraswathy maha swamy Jayanthi.
Hence we are reminding the same with his less known leela.

Nanduri garu and his family visited this Mani Mandapam and they want to share their experience with you

కంచి పరమాచార్య వైభవం - Face Book page & Telegram channel (Maintained by Sri Parachuru Raja Vikram)
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/KPDSTrust/
Telegram Channel: t.me/KPDSTrust
Email : [email protected]
Ph: 72598 59202
Gayathri mantra post shown in the video:
  / 564614053884245  
Thirumalisai Alwar story narrated by Nanduri garu (This covers the incident of Orikkai)
   • విగ్రహాలు నడిచిన ఆశ్చర్యకర సంఘటన | Th...  
Orikkai Mani mandapam – Google map location
(About 7 Kilometers from Kanchipuram, on the Utharamerur Road)
Mani mandapam, Orikkai, Arasu Nagar, Thandavaraya Nagar, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 631601
Mani mantapam Timings:
Morning : 8.00 AM to 12.30 PM
Evening : 4.00 PM to 7.30 PM
Here are out three channels that strive for Sanatana Dharma. Please subscribe

1) Nanduri Srinivas Spiritual Talks
   / nandurisrinivasspiritualtalks  

2) Nanduri Susila
   / @nandurisusila  

3) Nanduri Srivani Pooja Videos
   / @nandurisrivani  

About this channel: Nanduri Srinivas garu is getting thousands of EMails every week asking about spiritual doubts. As he cannot answer everyone, here is a channel where I (Nanduri Susila - Wife of Nanduri garu) or the Admin team will seek answers from him and upload here

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#nandurisrinivasvideoslatest #nandurisrinivasspeeches
#spiritual #pravachanalu
#kanchipuram #kanchiparamacharya #mahaperiyava #Paramacharya #kanchimutt

Note: Videos/content in this channel are copyrighted and can be reused only after obtaining the permission from channel admin (Mr. Rishi Kumar) Here is Mail id of admin (Please dont write your personal problems to this ID)
[email protected]


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