4 Phrases to Avoid as a Lawyer in Mock Trial ⏤ Tips for Mock Trial Attorneys

Описание к видео 4 Phrases to Avoid as a Lawyer in Mock Trial ⏤ Tips for Mock Trial Attorneys

Lawyers in mock trial talk a lot. Like, a lot. Because of that, everyone who's served as a mock trial attorney has slipped up a time or two and said something they probably shouldn't have. So, in this episode, we're going to go over four phrases that mock trial attorneys should avoid and remove from their vocabularies.

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Welcome into Mock Trial Masterclass: Your Guide to Controlling the Courtroom. My name is Luke Worsham, and I want YOU to be a mock trial master. I've competed in and coached mock trial for a while, and I want to pass along everything I've learned to you. Whether you're an attorney or a witness, my channel is dedicated to helping you take your craft to the next level. It's game on!

Contact: [email protected]

Mock Trial Masterclass Theme
Music by: Luke Worsham & Ben Trainor
Arrangement: Ben Trainor

The information contained in this video is intended for mock trial students and coaches, and it is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter or real-life litigation advice.


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